
My random thoughts and mumblings.

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Blog Posts


Feel free to leave feedback as issues on the github page for this site.


Just a short list of a few of the projects I’m working on at the moment:

  • nginx queuing module ( private ) for high-throughput web applications
  • Added pev to homebrew - hopefully my pull-request will be accepted soon!
  • offline homebrew - want all the goodness of homebrew….on a aeroplane?!
  • petool - a simple little app to extract PE header information from windows binaries
  • git-mirror-sync - a very small collection of scripts (git-hooks) to keep multiple git mirrors in sync.
  • diffiecat - a simple encrypted tcp client/server, like a very simple netcat.

Some project ideas.

Other peoples projects that rock

  • gollum - git powered wiki
  • jekyll - static-site generator
  • homebrew - osx opensource package-manager