
My random thoughts and mumblings.

blog google+ flickr github

Welcome to my new blog

I’ve had a wordpress blog for years - didn’t make a huge amount of posts, but I had one nether the less. I got bored with upgrading wordpress and having to tweak the database every time it broke, so I thought i’d move to something a lot simpler. I’m going to host my entire blog on a github personal page and I’ll tell you why:

  • Managing posts with Jekyll is really cool - they’re just files see the _posts directory.
  • I can post articles just just pushing a single file.
  • I put up posts (normally) to share something and I really like the idea someone could simply download anything from the site nice and easily (or just the entire site!).
  • The new themes look pretty.
  • I can post raw html etc. if I really want OR can just use markdown (much more likely ;)
  • free with zero maintenance.
  • github rocks!