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Building my own CyanogenMod image

I started attempting to build CyanogenMod on my OSX MBP - but it quickly got complex and experimental. So I opted for a different approach - I’d build the image in VM. BUT to make this easier to replicate I built a vagrant config.

Vagrant is a build/testing tool that automates VM setup. I use homebrew so installing vagrant was super easy:

brew install vagrant

Now download the base ubuntu image I used

vagrant box add precise64 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box

Grab a copy of my vagrant config and start up the VM:

git clone https://github.com/farproc/CyanogenModBuildEnv.git
cd CyanogenModBuildEnv
vagrant up

A copy of the ubuntu VM should be spawned and configured with all the required packages to successfully build CyanogenMod. Then it’s just a matter of following the CyanogenMod guide itself (this is the nexus-s steps, but all the others are there too).

At one point in the build you need to provide proprietary blobs directly from the phone (via adb) - you could install USB support for VirtualBox, so you could forward the adb server port into our VM from your host. A nice little trick that saves a bit of time:

# make sure the VM isn't already running its own adb server
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
adb kill-server

# start on the host and tunnel
adb devices
ssh -nNR127.0.0.1:5037: -oExitOnForwardFailure=yes -p 2222 -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -l vagrant localhost

Now you can issue adb command from within the VM (or run the extract-files.sh script).

Hope that helps…